Synopsis: After learning that Gotham has a bevy of problems (bank robberies, angry mob bosses, Batman wannabes), we meet our three main characters: The Joker, committed to causing anarchy; idealistic D.A. Harvey Dent (Eckhart), committed to cleaning up the streets and corralling the mob; and Bruce Wayne (Bale), committed to being rich and awesome (and Batman, when called upon). These men form a bizarre triangle involving revenge, justice, love, hate, depression, and costumes. The supporting players come and go, but the action and drama remain within these tenuous relationships, eventually culminating in The Joker threatening to eliminate the city unless Batman reveals his true identity. This leads to a good hour of brooding dialogue, fistfights, explosions, and Batmobile/Batcycle chases. As this is a franchise, there's no real point in discussing more details. This story will keep going until Michael Bay signs on and casts Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne.
I Loved:
+ Heath Ledger's viscerally shocking performance, which has received award buzz since before last year's Oscars (ironically, he died the day last year's nominations were announced). At the very least, a nod for Best Supporting Actor is in the bag.
+ Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne, especially in the restaurant scene. The kind of guy that I hate in real life but can love in the movies.
+ The final frame.
+ That a movie rated PG-13 could still contain enough bite and fright (um, Ledger), without the ghoulish gore. Is there a better example?
I Liked:
+ Morgan Freeman, who, with hardly anything to work with, ripped out some of the movie's most memorable scenes. My favorite? Putting the research nerd in his place when he was threatening blackmail.
+ The comedic lines: "I'm a dog chasing cars..."
+ The action sequences, as cluttered as they were. Memo to Hollywood: Less CGI actually makes for better action, unless you're Guillermo Del Toro.
I Disliked:
- The comicy comic book lines: "The night is darkest just before the dawn." Eh.
- Batman's animal-like growl. I don't remember it being that pronounced in Batman Begins, or at least I don't remember the bass being jacked up so high. His voice, even when just talking normally, had the cinematic effect of the T-Rex stomping around in Jurassic Park.
I Hated:
- The makeup effects for Two-Face/Harvey Dent. That looked like a complete rip-off from the "Body Worlds" exhibit, never mind the fact that he would have had a fatal infection within hours. Yeah, I'm ridiculous.
- What else? Goofy fanboys sitting behind me. Shouldn't those people be the most silently reverent of everybody in the theater?
Writing - 9
Acting - 10
Production - 9
Emotional Impact - 10
Music - 5
Significance - 4
Total: 47/50= 94% = A
Last Word: As groggy as I was this morning, it didn't take me too long to realize that I not only enjoyed The Dark Knight more than Batman Begins, but more than any of the others before it, including Tim Burton's Batman. That 1989 version may have been the bigger achievement (considering its context and Burton's vision), but it doesn't quite pack the same punch as Knight.
Most of this can be attributed to Heath Ledger, but credit is also due to writer/director Christopher Nolan, who has not only written amazing characters (and wow, what a knockout of a cast again, all of whom brought their "A" game - Bale, Freeman, Eckhart, Gyllenhaal, Caine, and Oldman), but placed them within an actually believable story, at least relative to most comic book/superhero movies.
Would it be a stretch to say that, in this installment, Bruce Wayne is a universally relatable character? Not just for the trillionaires and superheros among us, but for anybody who's ever struggled to give something up and move on to the next stage in their lives. I don't mean that The Dark Knight is a grand parable for humanity that has significant relevance to my life; it is, after all, a movie about a rich guy dressed up in tights and cape fighting a sinister maniac wearing face paint and purple suit. But I do think its story is much richer and much more interesting than any of its 2008 summer peers (Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Hancock, Hellboy II, etc.).
In any case, The Dark Knight is not the type of movie that I see for its moral lessons, and I'll let others delve more deeply into its symbolism, relation to the other sequels, and place in film history. I'll just declare that it's a summer blockbuster in every way, and probably the only one you'll remember three months from now. Now to make a plan to see it in IMAX...
Great write-up, Daniel.
ReplyDeleteI'm still digesting it but tried to put forth some thoughts over at LiC. I'll have to really think about it for a while before I tackle it more coherently.
I dug the Two-Face stuff. You're right, he would have had a horrible face infection but that coupled with the decision(s) Nolan made with regards to the character's fate somehow only further reinforce his (admittedly deranged) senseless, almost careless frame of mind.
Thanks, Alexander, and I agreed with your thoughts there. The difference with you is that you'll actually be able to write about it more coherently, whereas I went for my easy shotgun approach this time. The interwebs have been overflowing for months with TDK analysis, so I wasn't up to the challenge to find anything new or meaningful to say about it.
ReplyDeleteI'll admit that despite my unreasonable criticism of the half face effect, Nolan gave a much better treatment to the character overall. As goes for the whole movie. Bale is the best Batman yet (obviously followed by Keaton, who's work in Mr. Mom left about the same impression on me); Ledger is the best villain yet, Gyllenhaal is the best love interest yet (arguable), the script is by far the best yet, and so on.
Really look forward to your study of it.
Glad you enjoyed it mate {and expressed it so well}. TDK is most probably my favourite Batman film ever, which is a big deal because I have always liked Batman over those other lesser [super]heroes. I just want to see it a second time.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I like Gyllenhaal, I gotta disagree. She was given mostly nothing to do, and seemed to be a placeholder.
ReplyDeleteI'd probably give the nod to Pfeiffer as the best love interest.
Now to write my own thoughts...
I;m with Fletch in my discontent with Maggie, but totally with you in how hard it was to write about this movie.
ReplyDeleteI'm so used to films NOT living up to expectations, that it's rattling to find one that exceeds them.
Great review - bullets and all!
Indeed, Nick, and now that I've seen it I can safely venture over to your place and read your thoughts. It's one of the only movies this year that I think is really worthy of a second theater viewing.
ReplyDeleteWell, Fletch and Hatter, I'm glad I qualified it as "arguable", haha. I thought she handled her relationship with Dent and Wayne without appearing ditzy or cloying. Those scenes between the 3 of them were great - how do people act around their exes?
Lastly, I said that I didn't really analyze this movie much. Joel, a regular at Living in Cinema, nails everything I think I would have come up with:
"I didn’t expect The Dark Knight to be The Dark Night, but indeed it was. The better nature of an entire society called into question, morally challenged, and pushed to the limit by the corrupting motivator of terror and fear? A good man fallen to the depths of immorality by his own anger, pain, and need for misplaced vengeance? The righteous man corrupts his technological power to invade the privacy of the citizenry to capture a villain?
Wow, kinda heavy. Someone earlier said the Dark Knight is so dark it makes Empire Strikes Back look like Return of the Jedi. More like it makes the darkness of Empire comparable to Benji...
...I was struck that this Batman is more conventional in his tech than previous incarnations. I like that Nolan has grounded his films a little deeper into reality, even more so than Batman Begins. Even the Joker isn’t given some of the wacky weapons he’s known for in the comics, instead relying just on the sheer horror and mania of the character to drive the film...
...The opening did remind me of Heat (how could it not evoke that film?) but the rest of the film kept bringing me back to Se7en. The prevailing darkness of a madman always willing to take it one step farther than you, the certainty that all this will get far uglier before it gets any better, that notion that ultimate evil corrupts just by being exposed to its madness."
I just posted my blog partner's review of TDK. It's contrarian to the majority view of this film, aside from Ledger's outstanding performance.
ReplyDeleteLoved this. Will have to see it again SOON.
ReplyDeleteI very much look forward to reading it, Marilyn. "Opposing" perspectives are often the most interesting to read.
ReplyDeleteYes, Cinex, the only question is whether to make the trip for IMAX...it is not convenient...
Dan, I didn't have a serious problem with the Two-Face makeup,even if it was (as you rightly acknowedge a rip-off of sorts) Excellent compartmentalized review as always, and you point out astutely what makes this Batman soar.
ReplyDeleteDan, I wrote the "anonymous" entry above--not sure why my name didn't come up.........Sam J.
ReplyDeleteThanks much, Sam. I suppose I can't come down too hard on Two-Face without offering an alternative, which I don't have. Just didn't look very real to me compared with everything else in the movie.