June 20, 2011

48 Hour Film Project: Minneapolis

Sure has been a ghost town around here, but such is my current movie-going reality. I've had something resembling a resurgence lately, however, and a local event this Thursday might be just the tonic for my malaise. Nothing like some actual creativity on a screen to reawaken my mojo for the movies, and there's nothing more creative than producing an original film in 48 hours.

Head to the Riverview Theater this Thursday for the Best Of Screening of the 48 Hour Film Project, an international film competition taking place in 100 cities in 24 countries. Minneapolis, as many know, boasts one of the fiercest city competitions, with dozens of submissions each year.

If you're not familiar, it's this simple: two Friday nights ago, filmmaking teams received the name of a character (this year - a "Driving Instructor" named Les or Lena Olinger), a prop (this year - a magnet), and a line of dialogue (this year - "Tell me about it."). Within 48 hours they had to write, shoot, and edit an original short film. These films screened last week, and this Thursday the best of the bunch will be shown. What do the winners receive? Prizes, of course, but also the prestige that can only come in a rabid local filmmaking community like ours. 

And oh yeah, they also get their film screened at the Cannes Film Festival each May, including 2010's Minneapolis winner, Per Bianca:

I can say from experience that the Best Of Screening is a rollicking good time - do yourself a favor and see the kind of creativity that is utterly lacking in movie theaters week after week!

When: Thursday, June 23rd, at 7:00 PM
Where: The Riverview
Cost: $15


  1. I'd love to take part in one of these competitions one of these years.

    Too bad - I was hoping that you HAD taken place and were posting your vid. Still, excellent PSA. At the very least, I ought to attend a Best Of screening here in Phoenix.

  2. Yeah wow, if I had submitted my own film I think I would be pretty nervous throwing it up here for all to see. I can't imagine the pressure of throwing a film together in what's basically just a few hours. Crazy to see what people can do in that time!

  3. Hope all is well with Daniel, and hope you enjoy this event. I actually envy you in a way for your period of silence. All of us should be so lucky! Ha!

  4. Thanks, Sam, for your continued support of my movie-going habits, or movie-missing habits, depending on the month...


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