Jay Cheel, 2009 (Official Website)
Run time: 29 min. | Canada
Categories: International Zombie Summit
When you spend as much time as I do reading and writing about movies, names of critics and bloggers and freelance writers often blend together in an incomprehensible mish-mash (by some definition I could be considered all three, for example). So when I saw the name Jay Cheel listed as the director of Colore Non Vedenti, the wheels in my head started turning - where had I seen that name? About ten seconds of searching provided me with the answer, as I've read a lot of Jay's writing at both Film Junk and, much more so, The Documentary Blog.
This all means nothing in the context of the charming Colore Non Vedenti, aside from perhaps proof that Jay can make films just as well as he can write about them. This sci-fi "zombie" thriller comedy (it kind of defies labeling) is well-written, assuredly directed, and impressively acted. It's evidence that low-budget does not mean low-quality, making it a perfect companion to the Cannes zombie hit Colin (reportedly made for $70), with which it will screen at Flyway.
On paper the story doesn't really sound as entertaining as it is on the screen, which is perhaps why the Flyway website doesn't provide a synopsis, and why I'll all but skip one here. You only need know that Colore Non Vedenti it follows a traditional blueprint - one guy fighting to save the world before the zombies/aliens/beings take over. David Tompa is an altogether perfect actor to play our reluctant hero Jack, and the rest of cast capably and humorously fill out their roles, particularly Haley Shannon as the exasperated Amy. Deanna Jones is great as the Waitress as well.
The pressure to choose the right music for a short film must be intense, and Cheel has risen to the occasion here with an awesomely memorable theme, a kind of Latin choral rock song (you have to hear it to understand it). The music is just the icing on the cake with this one, and I expect the Colin crowd to eat it up like hungry zombies on Saturday night. If you can't make it there, check it out right here in the comfort of your own...wherever you are:
Colore Non Vedenti plays with Colin on Saturday, Oct. 24, at 5:00 PM at the Stockholm Opera Hall.
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